Bife com Pimenta da Terra - Azores Lovers

Steak with Traditional Pepper

This dish is made with a traditional pepper and it has as a main ingredient the meat of the Azores.

▪ Bifes do Lombo, Vazia ou Lagarto (150-180gr)
▪ Vinho Branco ou Cerveja
▪ Pimenta da terra moída (2 colheres de chá)
▪ 50gr. de manteiga para fritar
▪ 1 noz de manteiga para o molho
▪ Sal q.b.
▪ Dentes de alho esmagados com casca
▪ 1 folha de louro
▪ Pimenta da terra cortada em tiras

1. The steaks have to be marinated in white wine (or beer) and in the red traditional pepper sauce (that is made by grinding the peppers) between 30 to 60 minutes.
2. Heat the butter in a frying pan.
3. Fry the steaks on both sides until desired cooking (2 minutes is suggested for each side). Once sealed, season with salt to taste (red traditional pepper sauce is already salted).
4. Reserve the steaks and add to the sauce of the frying pan the clove of crushed garlic (about 1 per steak), plus a little of butter and 1 bay leaf, and stir without boiling. You can add a little more white wine or water to the sauce so that it does not get too thick.
5. Add the strips of pepper (about 1 to 2 strips per steak).
6. Put the sauce over the steaks and accompany with a crisp and starry egg.

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