What to do Aquatic Activities
What to do Aquatic Activities
What to do Aquatic Activities

Whale Watching Faial

caça ao cachalote foi, durante um século, uma das principais atividades económicas do povo açoriano. Praticada por homens destemidos, a caça era feita com arpões e barcos à vela. Hoje, esta baleia, tal como as…

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What to do Aquatic Activities
What to do Aquatic Activities
What to do Aquatic Activities

Boat Trips Faial

“It is necessary to leave the island to see the island”, which tells you who has seen them from the sea and who has full eyes. Filled with cliffs that rise majestically towards the sky, from…

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What to do Aquatic Activities
What to do Aquatic Activities
What to do Aquatic Activities

Kayaking & Canoeing Faial

On the biggest island of the Azores, you can explore the mystical Lagoa das Sete Cidades or the smoky Lagoa das Furnas with tranquility. The more adventurous will prefer to cut through the sea, where they will be able to discover beaches that are difficult to access…

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Sports What to do
Sports What to do
Sports What to do

Sports Fishing Faial

The sea is in the memory of many generations of Azoreans as a symbol of respect and sustenance. If at night you glimpse silent points of light in the sea, these are the true men of the sea. It is not,…

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Sports What to do
Sports What to do
Sports What to do
Sports What to do

Surf & Bodyboard Faial

Surfing the waves of the deep Atlantic was something that locals and visitors resisted for a long time, like Cabo das Tormentas. Today, surfing and bodyboarding are two on the rise on beaches and pebbles…

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