The "Discounts" area on the Azores Lovers website has several objectives that allow the creation of proximity between the brand, its users and the partner entities.
As a user, by accessing to these discounts, you agree to the following parameters specified below:
1. The user must create an account on the Azores Lovers website in order to download the Discount Voucher;
2. The user must respect all the rules presented in the same voucher, namely, the validity, discount percentage and other rules specified by each entity;
3. Taking into account that all entities have the possibility to apply their own limitations/rules to the discount, AZ LOVERS, Lda., is not responsible for any errors on the part of the entities;
4. The user must always present the voucher (printed or in the mobile device) in their respective places of adhesion, as long as it is valid. Without it, the entity will not be able to apply the discount;
How the Discount Works:
You can only have a discount on the Azores Lovers website after you register and create the page related to your service/business in your personal account. Here, you can apply the discount you want, whenever you want.
You will have to choose the title of your discount very well, it must be precise and succinct;
In this field you will have to describe and explain to the user where your discount will be applied. If you have any discount rule/limitation you will have to clarify it in this field in a clear way;
In this field you can display the percentage you want to apply to the discount;
Pay attention to the field "Discount Validity". In this field, you can choose the start and end date you want, and assume towards AZ LOVERS, Lda. and its users, that you will be responsible for assigning the discount on the selected date;
As an entity, by joining these discounts, you consent to the following parameters specified below:
1. The entity must create an account on the Azores Lovers website in order to advertise your company and subsequently the discount you wish to apply.
2. The entity may deny to the user the sale of its services/products, whenever the user does not present the Discount Voucher.
3. The entity commits itself to AZ LOVERS, Lda., with responsibility for ensuring that all content presented in the discounts is correct, and assumes that any restrictions and/or limitations are clearly presented.
4. AZ LOVERS, Lda. disclaims all responsibility for the discount and any related goods or services.
5. In case the entity wants to cancel the discount, and the user has already downloaded the discount, the entity will have to be responsible for this cancellation decision, leaving AZ LOVERS, Lda. without any liability.
Campaigns should not:
1. Contain any defamatory content of any person or, in general, be contrary to the generally accepted law, morals and morals;
2. Contain any obscene, offensive, hateful or defamatory content;
3. Promote sexually explicit, pornographic, criminal or degrading content;
4. Promote violence or incite to dangerous, risky or harmful practices for health and psychic balance;
5. Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, beliefs, nationality, social status, disability, sexual orientation or age;
6. Infringement of any copyright, database rights or any other intellectual property rights;
7. Be liable to mislead any person;
8. Be made in violation of any legal obligation due to a third party, such as a contractual obligation or a duty of trust;
9. Promote any illegal activity;
10. Being threatening, abusing or invading the privacy of others, as well as causing some kind of inconvenience or unnecessary anxiety;
11. Being liable to disturb or alarm anyone;
12. Be used to represent any person, or to adulterate his or her identity or affiliation with any person;
13. Advocate, promote or support any illegal act as (just by way of example) copyright infringement or misuse of the computer.